Poor Kendall. He had three older sisters who all hovered over him like a mother hen when he was growing up. But that's not the worst of it. As you can see by the picture, they dressed him up like a girl, makeup and all. I don't think that happened very often, but probably once is too many! I showed Kendall this picture tonight because it made me snort with laughter when I came across it. He wasn't so amused, even at his ripe old age. "That's blackmail material," he said. "You'd better not post it in a public place." But finally I talked him into it. I'll post a nice masculine, scruffy picture so everyone knows he wasn't permanently scarred by the experience. I think that Kate, Janna, and Shauna owe him something really good, don't you???
Now that is GOOD! I saw that pic and without reading thought, "wow, that's a cute little girl!" What a good sport he is. He's so handsome now, that the pic doesn't do anything to take away from his masculinity.
I totally remember that!
Hee Hee Haa Haa Hoo Hoo! Poor Kendall. Not really though. He may have had to put up with a gender makeover but he also was well taken care of by his sisters. I used to wait on that little guy hand and foot. I never let him cry or want for anything before I was at his beck and call. So he doesn't need payment for this picture. It's all good!
That is funny! I am glad that I had girls because if I ended up with just boys, I would have an urge so strong to dress my boys up as girls sometimes.
We have the life stories of all of the prophets on DVD. Well, Harold B. Lee's mother grew his hair long and would curl it in ringlets and send him off to school. Of course he was teased for it, but he turned out so well, he became a prophet.
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