My memories are many-fold today. First of all, I'd like to pay tribute to John Kammerman.
John passed away only yesterday, leaving a huge hole in the lives of his loved ones. His passing seemed sudden...and he seemed far too young to make that journey into the next life. We will miss him!
Here is how he is related to me:
This is Jill
She is hugging on our son whom she's been married for 15 years.
We loved Jill from the moment we met her. She feels more like a daughter than a daughter-in-law.
Her parents are John and JoAn Kammerman. (I hope I spelled JoAn's name right!) Here I am with JoAn in Andy and Jill's back yard when they lived in Georgia.
We have loved JoAn and John like family ever since our kids hooked up. We have seven kids, they have seven kids...we love music, they love music...we adore our family, they adore theirs. On and on it could go.
When John became ill this spring, we were very concerned. We prayed for him and thought he would recover from this last, very serious set of problems. But as did the Kammermans, we left it in the Lord's hands. He evidently thought it was time for John to be called home because he was all finished here. John had fought the good fight. But what a void he left behind. He was a big man in every sense of the word...his heart was bigger than his whole body. What a gracious, kind, giving man.
I don't have a lot of pictures of John, because we've never lived in the same area. I want to share a few that I have.
When the Kammermans and Giffords moved back to Utah, it was far easier to visit.
We went up to Springville when Seth was baptized. We met with the extended Kammerman family for a picnic lunch. I snapped this pic of John carrying his sleepy little grandson to lay him down--it's a tender shot that says a lot about John and his relationship with his grandkids.
When Andy and Jill's last baby was born, we were so thrilled that she was a girl...Blythe would finally have a sister! This is a shot of the Gifford and Kammerman grandparents at Grace Lolene's blessing. (Yes, they named her after ME!!!)
(from left to right, top row: Gavin, Blythe, Andy, Jill, Seth; bottom row, Hunter, Grace, JoAn, John, and Tate)
Farewell, good friend. You leave a legacy of love and family behind. We will miss you...until we meet again...we will celebrate our memories on this Memorial Day.
Thank you for the kind words; this is such a nice tribute.
Thank you so much, mom! It brings me joy to know there are many others who know how wonderful my dad was, especially when I want to shout it on the rooftops. But that wouldn't be his way....He never wanted recognition.....he'd just go about doing good works in the quiet powerful way of his. Thanks again. Your tribute means so much.
I do not even know him and you have made me sorry that I did not!
This was Beautiful!
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